Tuesday, September 16, 2008


As I grow older
I see who I was
I know what I am
Man is what he does

Alone for so long
A shadow in shell
Undulating, arbitrary,
Miserable hell.

Til he came along
A cowboy in a car
Vastly uncertain
And my future star

Kissing by red light
Hopeful for more
Truly not hoping to
Seem like a whore

Night into day
Then day into night
None else existed
All gone from sight

Life in the country
Horses and flowers
Loving and fighting
Years go like hours

Then futures to plan, you see,
Futures "in case"
Life seldom keeps to
So steady a pace

And Him
By my side
Haunted, gallant,
Brimming with pride

Loving and fighting
Years go like hours
Futures inviting
Horses and flowers.


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